城市體溫 / Interior Climate | 阿思匹靈計畫1 國際交流展
Date 展期: 2012/8/24(五) – 9/30 (六)
Vernissage 開幕: 2012/8/24(五) 18:00 – 21:00
策展 Curator : 吳尚霖
參展藝術家 Artists:
關諾菈.瓦更 Gwenola Wagon (法國)
伊沙貝勒 瑪憂 Isabelle Mayor (瑞士)
金希宣 Kim, Hee-Seon (韓國)
增山士郎 Shiro Masuyama (日本)
陳依純 Chen, I-Chun (台灣)
郭芃君 Ariel Guo (台灣)
林書楷 Lin, Su-Kai (台灣)
林旺廷 Lin Wang-Tin (台灣)
吳尚霖 Wu, Shang-Lin (台灣)
座談1 Artist Talk: 2012/9/1 (六) 15:00 – 17:00
與談人: 徐慧娟 | 關諾菈.瓦更 | 伊莎貝爾.瑪憂 | 吳尚霖
座談2 Artist Talk: 2012/9/8 (六) 15:00 – 17:00
與談人: 羅禾淋 陳依純 郭芃君 林書楷 林旺廷
2012/9/8(六) 18:00-20:00
地點 Location: 土思藝術
台北市敦化南路一段100巷41號 TEL: (02) 2731-1411
No.41, Ln. 100, Sec. 1, Dunhua S. Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City 105, Taiwan
開放時間 Open Time:
星期二(Tue) - 星期日(Sun) 11:00 - 20:00
此次於土思藝術由吳尚霖所策劃的聯展為其阿思匹靈分享計畫(Hot spring Sharing project)的開端,於展出期間以土思藝術的展覽空間作為創作基地舉辦論壇,工作坊與駐地計劃。除了邀請了法國巴黎聖德尼第八大學新媒體藝術系教授關諾菈.瓦更(Gwenola Wagon),與即將於本屆女性影展發表新作的瑞士獨立電影導演伊沙貝勒.瑪憂(Isabelle Mayor)進行創作計劃與展覽外。同時邀請旅居歐洲的日本藝術家增山士郎(Shiro Masuyama),韓國新媒體藝術家金希宣(Kim Hee-Seon)展出新作並與台灣藝術家新媒體藝術家陳依純、林旺廷、林書楷與郭芃君進行創作上的分享與交流,歡迎各界人士前來參觀。
The collective exhibition at To-see gallery, which is curated by Shang-Lin Wu is the beginning of “The Hot Spring Sharing Project”. The space at To-see gallery has been chosen as a creative base for the organizing forums, the workshops and the resident programs. Despite inviting Gwenola Wagon, the professor of the Department of New media at Paris 8 University, Isabelle Mayor, the independent swiss filmmaker, is also invited to participate to this creative project with her recent film for the upcoming Women Film Festival. At the same time, we are glad to invite Shiro Masuyama, the Japanese artist who now lives and creates in Europe, and Hee-Seon Kim, the Korean new media artist to bring out her new works; and also several Taiwanese media artists, including Yi-Chun Chen, Wang-Tin Lin, Su-Kai Lin and Ariel Guo, to share and exchange their creative experience. Welcome to the exhibition and we hope you enjoy the rest of it.
The artistic creation might answer readily one’s attitude in which concerns the engagement of living environment in a new dialogue as the social involvement and public participation, to develop procedurally and penetratingly the act of creative behavior. Face the high speed affect and the menace of globalisation: the industrialization, the urban construction, the transmission of information and climatic change, the artists have become the nerves of city that sense most sensitively and has been deeply involved in this complicated challenge. While we discuss anxiously and are affected by the threats of global warming which cause and damage greatly to the environmental disaster, “Temperature” outside the visual perception of hot and cold has defined specially artists’ emotional position toward the global issues. The “Temperature” has been taken by artists’ emotion (the interior climate) as a direct contact to the world.