2007年10月30日 星期二


阿魯巴是一種男性間的群體遊戲,動作是一群男性抓著、抬起某個男性,以胯下性器官對準硬物加以撞擊、磨蹭。兩岸三地及華人地區都有類似的行為,有各自不同 的稱呼。阿魯巴是男性友誼的表達卻也是一種欺凌他人的方式,具有雙重性而兩者所含的比重視不同狀況的阿魯巴而定。

阿 魯巴是一種男性的下流遊戲作為學習男子氣概的操演過程。由男性進行阿魯巴的經驗,分析台灣校園裡建構的男子氣概包含強制傳統異性戀、厭惡女性以及同性戀恐 懼症、以性作為男性本身及團體的認同、需要憑藉物的同性感情交流、男性間潛藏的競爭以及競爭而來的殘酷文化。這些男子氣概並藉由他律性彼此監督,確認每個 男性都服從同樣的男子氣概建構。要藉著一次次的男性團體儀式凝聚、加強本身也提醒其他團體裡的男性,並在團體裡彼此監督、監視。表示男性對本身追求男性氣 概的不安或不確定,需要一次次的凝聚來安定或肯定自己,內化男性對男子氣概的追求,男性總是處在一個極端不安,害怕自己不符合男性氣概的迷思中,可見男子 氣概的認同本質是多麼脆弱、虛幻。

‘Aruba’ is known as a kind of playing behavior in masculine community. This behavior proceeds from that a crowd of male grabs and lifts one male and then hit or rub victim’s reproductive organ against a hard objective. Not only in Taiwan, but in Hong Kong, mainland China and oversea Chinese community, similar behaviors in different names also prevail. Generally, Aruba is recognized as a form of masculine friendship expression. However, it also could be one way to bully other people. This explains the duality of Aruba. In most cases, the interpretation of Aruba and the weight of these two components are ambiguous. The explanation depends on different situation.

Aruba is the process to accumulate masculinity in dirty play. By understanding of Aruba experience from male, this study analyzed the stereotype of constructed masculinity. The philosophy of masculinity includes: traditional heterosexual, misogyny, homophobia, identification male self and group with sex, the relying on homogeneous sentiment exchange, the competition among men, and men’s cruel culture coming from competition. Traditionally, the development of masculinity was supervised by male’s heteronomy and it confirms that each male will obey the same masculinity construction. This phenomenon expresses the uneasiness and uncertainty of pursuing the masculinity for a male. He needs condensations to stabilize or affirm himself time by time. This interprets that Male is always occupied by an extreme uneasiness. He is always afraid himself doesn’t satisfy the requirement of masculinity. Obviously, the masculinity essence is pretty fragile and unreal.



