ActionScript / developer to create onscreen environments (e-commerce applications, etc.)
event-based language
syntax 語法
Animatic / rough animation, used as a kind of animated storyboard.
An animatic is a series of still images edited together and displayed in sequence.
BandWidth / physical constraints on the amount of data. the connection is often referred to the last mile.
Bit Depth / the number of bits used to define the shader or color of each pixel in an image.
aka = as known as
Cast / the actor / in Macromedia Director, it's means all object./
CGI / Computer Generated Imagery.
DNS / domain name system / the domain name system is the human friendly website address.
Dope Sheet / director to plane the timing and action of an animation. (動作律表)
Email / electronic mail / SMTP, HTTP, etc.
Expression / to instead of keyframing
Famous Quote / 經典引述
FTP / File transfer protocol
Frame / a still 2-d image / fps: frame per second
GIF / graphic interchange format / internet icon /
GUI / Graphical User interface / 發音:gu
Homepage / the first web page / hub document
Hardware Rendering / display rendering /
ISP / internet service provider
Interpolation / in-between positions between two keyframes / 內插
JavaScript / Language developed by Netscape in 1995 for Netscape 2.0
Joints / point of articulation between the bones in a character rig
Squash and stretch / no matter how squash and stretch, the volume remains constant.