2010年10月11日 星期一

多媒體動畫專業英文 K-Z

kilo / 1000 , symbol

kilobits = 1000 kbs

asap = as soon as possible

keyframe / set of attributes for 3d scene, computer calculates the in-between values automatically.

Link / hyperlink


MIDI / musical instrument digital interface /

Mesh / the surface geometry of 3d model, polygon patches, NURBS surface.

NTSC / National televisions Standards committee

Normal / 法向量


Protocol / standard of technical conventions allowing communication between electronic devices.

Pixel / smallest visible unit of measure on your screen.

QuickTime / compressed video files.

Queue /data structure / first in, first out. <=> Stack

Router / receive a packet of data, read the address.

Resolution / the size of final image in pixels when rendering out scene.

Server / a server is computer software that "serves" documents or programs. / HTTP, FTP, SMTP.

Scene / scene file > rendering engine > image

telnet / accessing a remote computer.

Tween / short for "in-between".

Timing / an important principle gives meaning to movement.

URL / universal resource locator (an address)

UV texture coordinates / UV is 2-D, unwrap the UVs from the model and lay them flat on a plane. /eye hand coordination

VRML / virtual reality modeling language / for creating 3-D virtual worlds.

Vertex / a one-dimensional point in coordinate space

WAV / (*.wav) compressed waveform file

Walk cycle / a shot sequence of animation containing the keyframes necessary to make a bipedal character take 2 consecutive steps.

XML / extensible markup language

YUV / as known as YCC, YCbCr / EU PAL

Z-depths / the distance a particular point or surface lies inside a scene. / is used to calculate where a light casts shadows, and also to calculate which surface are visible to camera during rendering.

